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BRANDT to spotlight NEW high-performance seed solutions at Commodity Classic

BRANDT is highlighting new nutrient and enzyme-based seed solutions for the 2023 growing season: BRANDT EnzUp® Grain ST, BRANDT SeedZone™ Zn and BRANDT EnzUp SeedFlow™ Zn.

Designed for use on corn, wheat, rice and potatoes, BRANDT EnzUp Grain ST is a breakthrough in the enzyme category. This proprietary enzyme technology enhances seed development by dispersing enzymes into the soil, helping the plant emerge faster and stronger. The enzymes on the seed interact with the plant’s roots, help the plant uptake water and nutrients and increase root and shoot growth.

Designed for use primarily on corn, soybeans and large seed vegetables, BRANDT SeedZone Zn contains proprietary technology that improves performance of zinc by increasing the exposed surface area of the nutrient particle.

Designed as a corn planter box treatment, BRANDT EnzUp SeedFlow Zn combines three essential technologies into one that promotes better seed retention and fluency, healthy plant growth, and improved nutrient uptake. See video below for details. 

To learn more about these new BRANDT seed applied technologies, visit the booth #2174 at Commodity Classic.


A leading agricultural company, BRANDT serves growers around the globe. Founded in 1953 by Glen Brandt and his sister Evelyn Brandt Thomas to help Illinois farmers adopt new and profitable technologies, the company has experienced aggressive growth under the leadership of President and CEO Rick Brandt. BRANDT’s focus is providing the products and services that give growers the best opportunity for return while building a stronger, healthier and more abundant food supply.