BRANDT Advanced Nutrients Help Randy Dowdy Break Soybean Yield World Record
Dowdy smashes own world record by nearly 20 bushels per acre using BRANDT nutritional products
SPRINGFIELD, Illinois (September 23, 2019) – BRANDT, a leading manufacturer of agriculture specialty products, helped Randy Dowdy break the world record for soybean yield at 190.23 bushels per acre using BRANDT’s proprietary nutritionals. This surpasses his previous record of 171 bushels per acre in 2016.
“The plant health technology coming from BRANDT is outstanding. They are constantly challenging the status quo and bringing new tools and concepts to the market,” Dowdy said. “Their products have been a key factor of our success.”
BRANDT has been helping Dowdy win growing competitions and set corn and soybean yield records since 2011. The company’s proprietary foliar nutrient line, BRANDT Smart System®, has played a key role. BRANDT Smart products are compatible with crop protectants, allowing easy tank mixing and mitigating crop stress. BRANDT’s new patent pending enzyme technology, BRANDT EnzUp™, was also used on the record breaking soybeans.
“BRANDT Smart System products deliver nutrients to plant growing points quickly and are an excellent tool to boost crop quality and yield,” said Brian Haschemeyer, Director of Discovery and Innovation at BRANDT. “In soybeans, you’ll see increased flowering, pod set and pod fill, in addition to the plant health benefits.”
Dowdy was crowned as the “Corn King” in Season 2 of the Corn Warriors series on RFD-TV. Corn Warriors follows the country’s top competition corn growers on their quest to be the best.
“Congratulations to Randy on this outstanding accomplishment,” said Rick Brandt, President and CEO of BRANDT. “His insatiable thirst for knowledge and willingness to embrace new technologies helps him continue to break records and advance the future of agriculture. We are proud to be a part of this extraordinary effort!”
On October 3rd at 7 p.m. CST, BRANDT will join Dowdy and the Hefty Brothers for a special segment of Rural America Live on RFD-TV. During the one-hour show, Dowdy will discuss some of the strategies he used throughout the season to reach this record.
BRANDT products are available through approved distributors throughout the U.S. and in 51 countries around the world. To learn more or locate a U.S. distributor, download the BRANDT Product Finder App from Apple or Google Play.
A leading agricultural company, BRANDT serves growers around the globe. Founded in 1953 by Glen Brandt and his sister Evelyn Brandt Thomas to help Illinois farmers adopt new and profitable technologies, the company has experienced aggressive growth under the leadership of President and CEO Rick Brandt. BRANDT’s focus is providing the products and services that give growers the best opportunity for return while building a stronger, healthier and more abundant food supply.