Zinc Management for Pecans

February 18, 2020

Info to Grow
Plant Nutrition

With spring rapidly approaching and pecan bloom around the corner, it’s time to start applying soil nutrients to maximize pecan yields. It’s important to learn about key agronomic information to increase yields. Knowing is half the battle.


Applying micronutrients in the chelate form insure those nutrients are available to the trees the entire growing season.


BRANDT® SEQUESTAR® offers a range of high quality, fully chelated EDTA, EDDHA and DTPA micronutrients available in liquid and dry soluble formulations. The chelation shields and protects the nutrients, which prevents them from reacting and binding with other elements in the soil and other fertilizers. This protection helps ensure that nutrients remain available to the plant in a wide range of tank mixes, as well as pH and soil conditions.


BRANDT SEQUESTAR formulations can withstand even the most challenging soil conditions, such as high alkaline calcareous soils. They also offer superior tank mix compatibility and will perform in complex tank mix situations, such as neutralized orthophosphate solutions.


Worldwide, zinc (Zn) is the micronutrient most commonly found deficient in crops. Zn is needed for nitrogen assimilation. Without Zn, amino acids conversion to proteins is inefficient. Zn deficiencies reduce auxin levels, crop growth is stunted, and in pecans, leaves are smaller. Under low Zn status, plants are susceptible to stress. Finally, low Zn affects flowering and seed development which is critical for good pecan yields.


Recommendations: Soil applied.

  • 5-10 gallons per acre per season BRANDT SEQUESTAR 9% Zn. A great option is to replace 1-2 gallons of the BRANDT SEQUESTAR Zn with ½ or 1 gallon of BRANDT® EnzUp® Zn. The enzymes are the gatekeepers to unlocking the nutrient release of the organic matter. They also increase the soil microorganisms and improve soil health.  
  • 1-3 gallons BRANDT SEQUESTAR 5% Mn.
  • 1 gallon Humic acid (BRANDT UPTAKE 12)


At BRANDT, we have quality chelates for all of the essential nutrients your pecan trees need. Soil and tissue tests are used to determine your nutrient needs. BRANDT is your trusted advisor and we can recommend the best chelates for your soil pH to ensure you can grow the best pecan crop possible.